Francis Gaarden's Ephemerium

ephemerium: a collection of short-lived things.

"Keep pure your highest ideal, strive ever towards it;
let naught stop you or turn you aside,
for mine is the secret door which opens upon the door of youth"

I'm Ev/FMG, your local lepidoptera enthusiast and strawberry Nesquik connoisseur. Welcome to my site. As one might expect I use this space to post about things that I like, with or without commentary, and more or less just mess around online outside of the constraints of traditional social media.

At the moment I'm mainly focused on blogging on here (that is to say: complaining at length about everything that happens to me) but in the future I want to gear this site more towards showcasing art, literature and natural phenomena that I find interesting and want to add to my little internet collection. Have fun, hope you find something you like here, and feel free to say hi on my site profile if you want.

Blog last updated: 2022-11-23
Currently reading: Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
Listening to: Cry Me A River - Lesley Gore

Recent updates:

2022-11-23 Updated sticker collection again.
2022-12-09 [MISC] Slambook
2022-11-30 Made a site button!
2022-11-23 Updated sticker collection.
2022-11-22 [LIT] The Princess Bride - William Goldman
2022-11-10 Consolidated defunct basement dungeon page to main blog.
2022-10-21 [MISC] The Scrapbook (Sticker collection)
2022-10-18 [MISC] Teacup collection
2022-10-18 [LIT] A Step Away From Them - Frank O'Hara
2022-10-18 [LIT] First Fig & Second Fig - Edna St. Vincent Millay
2022-09-23 [BIO] Lepidoptera of 2022
2022-09-23 [MUSIC] Playlist: Sepulchre
2022-09-14 [MISC] Site to-do list


2022-11-23: Philosophy/personal business miscellanea
2022-11-10: Just a lot of complaining
2022-11-03: Adventures in Yodieland
2022-10-19: Basement dungeon special #3
2022-10-18: Everything's fine and I get a day off
2022-10-09: Basement dungeon special #2
2022-10-07: Basement dungeon special #1
2022-10-04: Francis becomes a Smiths stannie
2022-09-22: Beetlejuice gets exorcised off Broadway
2022-09-20: Fighting one particular demon at work
2022-09-13: Francis rediscovers musicals
2022-09-10: Francis discovers eBay
2022-09-09: Fighting demons at work
2022-09-06: Bitching about a bar




Always under construction
2022-08-27 — ∞