The Gallery
A collection of visual art that I really like.

Dalí Atomicus (1948) - Philippe Halsman

Dalí et Gala dans leur studio Parisien, 14e, Paris (1933) - Brassaï

Objet à detruire (1923) - Man Ray

Untitled (Portrait of Ross in L.A.) (1991) - Félix González-Torres

The Lady of Shalott (1888) - John William Waterhouse

Wanderer above the Sea of Fog (1818) - Caspar David Friedrich

Christ in the House of His Parents (1850) - John Everett Millais

Morgen Le Fay (1864) - Frederick Sandys

Love's Messenger (1885) - Marie Spartali Stillman

The Magic Circle (1886) - John William Waterhouse

The Scapegoat (1856) - William Holman Hunt

Sleep, and his Half-brother Death (1874) - John William Waterhouse