This is where I talk about stuff happening in my life and/or just about my day.
About my camera: it's one of those gimmicky keychain-size ones, so sorry if the image quality isn't great or whatever. It's less about getting a nice picture and more about just capturing moments out of my day. If I get a nice picture in the process that's just a fun bonus. Onwards!!
2025-02-28. 10:00.
The last goth night I went to was An Experience; I was only at the venue for what felt like a total of 45 minutes (everyone I bring there Wants To Leave !!! Hopefully summer will be better in that respect once the outdoor area is more hospitable). The DJs that put on these events always have the most immaculate playlists, so I was sorry to have missed a majority of it. We got pizza and decided to go check out what was happening at another spot about a 15 minute walk up the road (not much, but it was a nice time dancing there too nonetheless). The 15 minutes between each of these places was full of the most raucous debauchery and degeneracy I think I've been subjected to in quite a while. So many presumably underage hooligans drinking in the street and being nightmare people. One of them barked at me. Like, what???? That's about all I have to say about that night TBH.

After many months of being a degenerate weed cart vaper and mooching off other people's flower, I finally brought my ass up to Northampton, MA for a nice little day trip and to get some weed of my own to share. One of my buddies put my partner and I onto this place that was having a huge 50% off sale, so I got two 1-oz containers (read: practically a lifetime supply) for cheap. Besides that, we had a great time just meandering around the shops and whatnot near where we parked. I got to go to one of my favorite hippie-type stores in the area. I didn't get anything from the main floor because after a certain point looking at all the recycled scrap clothes that cost the same amount as anything else you find in a retail environment just makes you want to bust out a sewing machine and make your own stuff, which maybe one day I'll get around to... I still wear my rainbow tie dye pants I got there last year like it's my uniform, though (They did get me, in a manner of speaking... I thought they were on sale when I got them. They were not). I did get a great little rainbow pipe from the head shop upstairs which I quite like. This place is Shop Therapy, by the way, in case anybody is local to the area. I find it funny that there is another hippie miscellanea shop not only within walking distance of Shop Therapy, but literally like two doors down in the same plaza, and they literally sell the former's branded surplus items. I'm not exactly sure what's going on with that, but I always pop into both just to see what's up when I'm in town.

There's also a record store underneath a chocolate shop which I popped my head into while I was there; I'm not a big record collector myself due to lack of space to foster another collection, not to mention that I'm a degenerate who is perfectly fine with only my digital media, but I always at least make a precursory glance for anything with Tim Curry's name on it. No time, no money, and probably no luck with that anyway this time around.
We also stopped by Newbury Comics, which is practically obligatory as it is just such a potent eyeball magnet (I only go there to take a gander because everything is rather pricey). I saw some holographic/metallic stickers which I neglected to get because of the price again, but I always just keep my eye out for those in case I see something for my metallic-sticker-only water bottle (I should grab a picture of how that is coming along at some point, too).
Next stop was the local British imported goods store - now that's where I get myself in trouble: overseas chocolate. I tried a Terry's chocolate orange which was immaculate. I got two little pots of apricot and raspberry jam for my charcuterie paraphernalia, too. On the way there I noticed the old paper-miscellanea-deadstock store that was shut down as of last year had been replaced by an arcade, which I didn't Go In to, but I did snag a picture of some of the machines in the front area.

Oh, I also went to a drag show last night; it was a great time and wrapped up pretty expeditiously so I think i just unlocked a new Event I could go to on a random weekday and still get back home/in bed by midnight, which is cool.
As I sign off I'll leave you with some more pictures of my kitties.

2025-02-22. 11:00.
So, I've been on this productivity kick for a couple days now, which is to say I've been starting every task I can possibly get my hands on in this path of destruction through my apartment, and then losing a lot of momentum by getting turned around by the sheer amount of things I am doing for some reason. I find it hard to keep my focus a lot but I still feel like this is making some headway in the right direction; at least things are getting done in some manner of speaking as opposed to my languishing and spending half the day taking naps if I don't structure my free time properly. Part of that involved me teaching myself as acknowledging my hobbies as worthwhile ways to spend my time, including doing things like maintaining this site, which I really do enjoy a lot, despite my spotty track record over the last 6 or 7 years with actually making a page and keeping it going for more than a few months at a time.
I have "recently" come back from a somewhat lengthy Web hiatus (2023-2024, and I was seriously off almost EVERYTHING - no social medias besides having a TikTok and not posting on it, no Discord, etc) during which I was practically dead to both the "meat space" (honestly, I don't miss reading those words, eugh) and Internet worlds. Just spent my time working and having a bleak outlook on life for awhile. It's been so vital though, first to reconnect with my family and IRL homies, find some nice things to do out of the house and now to have my little web domain to play around in as well again.
Reading this back, I would like to stay nonchalant as this is supposed to be an upbeat page with minimal bouts of personal drama, but man, depression really is a big huge bitch. It's got this guileful way of sneaking up on you, and there are times I don't even realize I'm in the throes of it until it's been around for a while. Y'know, that metaphor about the frog and the boiling water or whatever (which is just objectively false, as a side note, but I will suspend my biological pedantry for but a moment).
Anyway, here are some Nice Things that have happened recently.

Tonight is the final goth night in my state for February (that I know of), so I'll be swinging by there tonight with an acquaintence (unless I'm contractually obligated to be somewhere, or it's like, an errand, I need to go everywhere with a buddy to fraternize with TBH) and hopefully have a nice evening of sick tunes and so forth. Speaking of sick tunes, be on the lookout for some album review pages popping up eventually. I've been tossing some ideas around and want to make some more original content that's not just whatever this nonsense page is. I figure it will be nice to shine a little spotlight on some artists I like, and maybe someone will come along and read about it and like it too.
2025-02-16. 21:30.
Let's get the photo dump out of the way.

I was just perusing on GifCities and that shit had my dainty intended-for-office-use laptop panting like a dog. Bro... That's why my website has nothing on it TBH. But one day I want to make one of those gnarly webpages full of colors and GIFs. Just a little side page as an artistic exercise. I generally find them rather inconducive to a nice calm website viewing experience if I'm on one for more than a couple minutes. No offense to whomever has those as their whole page, but I can't handle being on that shit. I don't even have colors on my phone, just plain white icons on a plain dark-colored background, courtesy of the custom launcher I've been transferring from device to device for years via the APK that lives in my OneDrive with my favorite pirated movies. My beloved Evie Launcher was taken off the app store years ago at this point, but it lives on in my heart. And in my phone. And in my next phone, hopefully.
Today was cold, and wet, and boring, and generally sucky, and I had lots of time to ponder about how most of February has also been cold and wet and sucky so far, too. So sucky, in fact, that my second-favorite goth night cancelled their event this month due to inclement weather, and I am a little extra full of the need to dance my heart out and then donate a dollar to the rigged claw machine at Denny's that refuses to relinquish any of its treasures to me.
Valentine's day has come and gone; I spent the morning making myself a phenomenal plate of Mongolian beef for lunch (next time I make it I'll write up the recipe, it's fire) and had the leftovers for dinner with some grocery store freezer section fried rice and hibachi noodles. That evening brought about yet another goth night which I regrettably missed, but I figured it would be rather uncouth of me to abandon my partner on a couples' holiday like that. Whatever though, it turned out to be really busy, and I'm not the biggest fan of the venue it was at in the wintertime anyway since I like to go on the patio and it is simply BRICK AS FUCK in New England right now. The DJ that hosts that particular event every month is super sweet though, and always plays some great tunes, so I'm looking forward to seeing her shows more frequently once the weather warms up.
There is one more goth event coming up this month that I know of, but unfortunately my emotional support going-out friend hates the venue it's hosted at. Being there is rather similar to how I imagine a single sardine feels being inside a tin chock full of its brethren. I don't mind it as much, but if one needs to step outside at any point, for one, it's still cold as hell out, and for two, not a lot of seating options. It's on a convenient strip, just a stone's throw from a mid pizza place with life-changing Oreo mousse cake, and an arcade bar up the street. But I hate all that back-and-forth shit; I'd much rather just go to one place and stay there. I'm also remarkably bad at most arcade games, including pinball... I kind of forgot how pinball was supposed to work at first and honestly just launched a couple balls into the stratosphere and watching them fall to their death without touching any other button on the machine, oops. Apparently there are some pretty high-tech pinball machines, though, with like, digital screens and accounts you can log into to save your progress on RUSH Pinball. I just wanna know what kind of storyline is to be had on any sort of pinball machine, let alone one about a rock band. Who knows. Not me, because I suck at pinball. I crushed Space Pinball back in the day, though.
It's getting late and I have to be up at the crack of dawn tomorrow, so I'm gonna wrap this up and languish elsewhere. Maybe make an RSS feed..?
2025-02-13. 17:00.
I got groceries yesterday. It took forever and the eggs were nearly twice as expensive as I was expecting them to be. This avian flu shit is getting crazy.

At least the tulips were on sale. They're my favorite flowers, I haven't bought any in a fair while, so it's nice to have them brighten up the room a little bit. My cats have been on pretty good behavior and as of today they are still unharmed.
I also got my favorite apples - Snapdragons. They're a phenomenal variety developed and grown right next door to my state, in New York. Turns out they're a cross between Honeycrisp, which I don't really fuck with, and NY752, a hardier variety that is less susceptable to something called bitter pit, which is a physiological disorder that causes brown spots on the skin and the flesh to become a dry and spongy texture. TBH, Honeycrisps don't necessarily even need to be a victim of bitter pit to be dry and nasty. I've always been an outspoken Honeycrisp hater. It makes for such an underwhelming apple eating experience. At this point I'm concerned that I've just never had a good Honeycrisp, because of the bitter pit thing... Everyone else on God's green earth loves 'em. But given the Snapdragon's resistance to bitter pit, and overall better flavor composition in my opinion, it's just the clear winner in my books. I haven't cooked with them besides adding them into stuffing for a fake Thanksgiving type dinner thing (rotisserie chicken from the store, bagged stuffing mix, microwave mashed potatoes...), so I can't really speak on that, but they're great alone or for a charcuterie board, paired with a nice sharp cheese to cut through the sweetness, or you can double down on it with Biscoff cookie butter spread. But don't ask me about that shit - I'd eat it straight out of the jar given the chance. (Sometimes I give myself the chance).
Anyways, besides bringing home my weekly apple allowance, I hate everything about getting groceries; it's my least favorite adulting chore. You have to go to the stooooore, spend a bazillion dollars, bring everything hoooome, put it all awaaayyyy, and then manage to make and consume all the meal plans you got the groceries for in a timely manner. So annoying. My life hack I'm trying out this week is adding all my meal plans onto my calendar, so I am a) held somewhat accountable for making them in a timely fashion, and b) don't have to ponder about what to make immediately before every mealtime depending on what is most conducive to my schedule. Having it predetermined should really streamline things, and quell the anxiety I get around having to pick something out every time. I did all my pondering for the week already.
That's it for now. Here's some pics from January of my kitten seeing snow for the first time.